- Nuova avventura in vista per gli Amici del MDXC!

Dal 20 di Ottobre al primo di Novembre con 20 operatori da 8 paesi diversi, operativi in tutti i modi e con fino a 5 stazioni attive in contemporanea per 24H24.
DXCC Entity: Comoro Islands
IOTA: AF-007
Nominativo in uso: D68CCC

Dal sito www.mdxc.org
On the road again, and also this time on the road to Africa to reach their next QTH not far from Moroni.
As a matter of fact, the leader Antonio, IZ8CCW and the co-leader Gabriele, I2VGW, are happy to announce to the Dxer Comunity the new adventure with the international MDXC team: Comores islands 2019.
The license is already in the leaders’s hands as D68CCC and they planned to be on air from October 20 to November 1st.
According to the evaluations that they have done, they are confident to give to a lot of dxers the possibility to work this Country in the Low bands, Warc and especially in the Digis modes.
At the moment the team is already built by experienced operators: 20 people coming from 8 (eight) Countries.
On the air will be five stations, any mode, around the clock.
For any further news and updates please stay tune: the official web site of this new great adventure is coming.
Of course any donation and sponsorship will be very very appreciated by the entire team!
GL & 73!